display route-static routing-table
Use display route-static routing-table to display static routing table information.
display route-static routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ ip-address { mask-length | mask } ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, the command displays static routing table information for the public network.
ip-address: Specifies the destination IP address in dotted decimal notation. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays all static routing table information.
mask-length: Specifies the mask length, an integer in the range of 0 to 32.
mask: Specifies the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
# Display static routing table information.
<Sysname> display route-static routing-table Total number of routes: 24 Status: * - valid *Destination: NibID: 0x1100000a NextHop: MainNibID: N/A BkNextHop: N/A BkNibID: N/A Interface: Vlan-interface11 TableID: 0x2 BkInterface: Vlan-interface12 Flag: 0x82d01 BfdSrcIp: N/A DbIndex: 0xd BfdIfIndex: 0x0 Type: Normal BfdVrfIndex: 0 TrackIndex: 0xffffffff Label: NULL Preference: 60 vrfIndexDst: 0 BfdMode: N/A vrfIndexNH: 0 Permanent: 0 Tag: 0 Destination: NibID: 0x1100000b NextHop: MainNibID: N/A BkNextHop: N/A BkNibID: N/A Interface: Vlan-interface13 TableID: 0x2 BkInterface: Vlan-interface14 Flag: 0x82d01 BfdSrcIp: N/A DbIndex: 0xd BfdIfIndex: 0x0 Type: Normal BfdVrfIndex: 0 TrackIndex: 0xffffffff Label: NULL Preference: 60 vrfIndexDst: 0 BfdMode: N/A vrfIndexNH: 0 Permanent: 0 Tag: 0 ...
Table 18: Command output
Field | Description |
destination | Destination address/prefix. |
NibID | ID of the NIB. |
MainNibID | ID of the primary next hop for static route FRR. |
BkNibID | ID of the backup next hop for static route FRR. |
NextHop | Next hop address. |
BkNextHop | Backup next hop address. |
Interface | Output interface of the route. |
BkInterface | Backup output interface. |
TableID | ID of the table to which the route belongs. |
Flag | Flag of the route. |
DbIndex | Index of the database to which the route belongs. |
Type | Route type:
BfdSrcIp | Source IP address of the indirect BFD session. |
BfdIfIndex | Index of the interface where BFD is enabled. |
BfdVrfIndex | Index of the VPN instance where BFD is enabled. This field displays 0 if BFD is enabled for the IPv4 public network. |
BfdMode | BFD session mode:
TrackIndex | NQA Track index. |
vrfIndexDst | Index of VPN instance that the destination belongs to. For the IPv4 public network, this field displays 0. |
vrfIndexNH | Index of the VPN instance that the next hop belongs to. For the IPv4 public network, this field displays 0. |
Permanent | Permanent static route flag. 1 indicates a permanent static route. |