display rib nib
Use display rib nib to display next hop information in the RIB.
display rib nib [ self-originated ] [ nib-id ] [ verbose ]
display rib nib protocol protocol [ verbose ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
self-originated: Displays information about next hops of self-originated routes in the RIB.
nib-id: Specifies a NIB by its ID, a hexadecimal string in the range of 1 to ffffffff.
verbose: Displays detailed next hop information in the RIB. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief next hop information in the RIB.
protocol protocol: Specifies a protocol by its name.
# Display brief next hop information in the RIB.
<Sysname> display rib nib Total number of nexthop(s): 176 NibID: 0x10000000 Sequence: 0 Type: 0x1 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x111 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 NibID: 0x10000001 Sequence: 1 Type: 0x1 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x112 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 NibID: 0x10000002 Sequence: 2 Type: 0x5 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x112 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 NibID: 0x16000000 Sequence: 3 Type: 0x21 Flushed: No UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x0 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 Instance: abc ...
Table 12: Command output
Field | Description |
NibID | ID of the next hop. |
Sequence | Sequence number of the next hop. |
Type | Type of the next hop. |
Flushed | Indicates whether the route with the next hop has been flushed to the FIB. |
UserKey0 | Reserved data 1. |
UserKey1 | Reserved data 2. |
VrfNthp | Index of the VPN instance that the next hop belongs to. This field displays 0 if the next hop is on the IPv4 public network or an IPv6 network. |
Nexthop | Next hop address. |
IFIndex | Interface index. |
LocalAddr | Local interface address. |
TopoNthp | This field is not supported in the current software version. Index of the topology that contains the next hop. This field displays 0 if the next hop is on the IPv4 public network. This field displays Invalid if the next hop is on an IPv6 network, because the router does not support multiple IPv6 topologies. |
Instance | BGP instance name. |
SubNibID | ID of the sub-next hop. |
SubSeq | Sequence number of the sub-next hop. |
NthpCnt | Number of sub-next hops. |
Samed | Number of the same sub-next hops. |
NthpType | Type of the sub-next hop:
# Display detailed next hop information in the RIB.
<Sysname> display rib nib verbose Total number of nexthop(s): 176 NibID: 0x10000000 Sequence: 0 Type: 0x1 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x111 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 RefCnt: 6 FlushRefCnt: 2 Flag: 0x84 Version: 1 1 nexthop(s): PrefixIndex: 0 OrigNexthop: RelyDepth: 0 RealNexthop: Interface: NULL0 LocalAddr: TunnelCnt: 0 Vrf: default-vrf TunnelID: N/A Topology: base Weight: 0 NibID: 0x10000001 Sequence: 1 Type: 0x1 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x0 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x112 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 RefCnt: 11 FlushRefCnt: 5 Flag: 0x84 Version: 1 1 nexthop(s): PrefixIndex: 0 OrigNexthop: RelyDepth: 0 RealNexthop: Interface: InLoop0 LocalAddr: TunnelCnt: 0 Vrf: default-vrf TunnelID: N/A Topology: base Weight: 0 NibID: 0x15000003 Sequence: 3 Type: 0x43 Flushed: Yes UserKey0: 0x100010000 VrfNthp: 0 UserKey1: 0x0 Nexthop: IFIndex: 0x0 LocalAddr: TopoNthp: 0 Instance: default RefCnt: 9 FlushRefCnt: 3 Flag: 0x84 Version: 1 1 nexthop(s): PrefixIndex: 0 OrigNexthop: RelyDepth: 1 RealNexthop: Interface: Vlan11 LocalAddr: TunnelCnt: 1 Vrf: default-vrf TunnelID: 1025 Topology: base Weight: 0 ...
Table 13: Command output
Field | Description |
x nexthop (s) | Number of next hops. |
PrefixIndex | Prefix index of the next hop for an ECMP route. |
Vrf | VPN instance name. For the IPv4 public network or an IPv6 network, this field displays default-vrf. |
OrigNexthop | Original next hop. |
RealNexthop | Real next hop. |
Interface | Output interface. |
LocalAddr | Local interface address. |
RelyDepth | Recursion depth. |
TunnelCnt | Number of tunnels after route recursion. |
TunnelID | ID of the tunnel after route recursion. |
Topology | This field is not supported in the current software version. Topology name. The topology name for the IPv4 public network is base. This field is blank for IPv6, because IPv6 does not support multiple topologies. |
Weight | ECMP route weight. This field displays 0 for non-ECMP routes. |
Instance | BGP instance name. |
RefCnt | Reference count of the next hop. |
FlushRefCnt | Reference count of the next hop that is flushed to the FIB. |
Flag | Flag of the next hop. |
Version | Version of the next hop. |