display ipv6 routing-table protocol

Use display ipv6 routing-table protocol to display information about IPv6 routes installed by a protocol.


display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] protocol protocol [ inactive | verbose ]


Any view

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vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, the command displays routing information for the public network.

protocol: Specifies a routing protocol.

inactive: Displays information about inactive routes. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays information about both active and inactive routes.

verbose: Displays detailed routing table information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief routing information.


# Display brief information about IPv6 direct routes.

<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table protocol direct

Summary count : 3

Direct Routing Table Status : <Active>
Summary count : 3

Destination: ::1/128                                     Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::1                                         Preference: 0
Interface  : InLoop0                                     Cost      : 0

Destination: FE80::/10                                   Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::                                          Preference: 0
Interface  : InLoop0                                     Cost      : 0

Destination: FF00::/8                                    Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::                                          Preference: 0
Interface  : NULL0                                       Cost      : 0

Direct Routing Table Status : <Inactive>
Summary count : 0

# Display brief information about IPv6 static routes.

<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table protocol static

Summary count : 3

Static Routing table Status : <Active>
Summary count : 3

Destination: 2::2/128                                    Protocol  : Static
NextHop    : fe80::2                                     Preference: 60
Interface  : Vlan12                                      Cost      : 0

Destination: 2::2/128                                    Protocol  : Static
NextHop    : fe80::3                                     Preference: 60
Interface  : Vlan12                                      Cost      : 0

Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : Static
NextHop    : 2::2                                        Preference: 60
Interface  : Vlan12                                      Cost      : 0

Static Routing table Status : <Inactive>
Summary count : 0

# Display detailed information about IPv6 BGP routes.

<Sysname> display ipv6  routing-table protocol bgp4+ verbose

Summary count : 1

Destination: 22::22/128
   Protocol: BGP4+ instance abc
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x6                    Age: 00h04m15s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 255
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active Adv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 200
      NibID: 0x25000001          LastAs: 200
     AttrID: 0x3               Neighbor: 121::2
      Flags: 0x10060        OrigNextHop: 121::2
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: 121::2
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: Vlan-interface11
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

For command output, see Table 6.