display ipv6 routing-table acl

Use display ipv6 routing-table acl to display routing information permitted by an IPv6 basic ACL.


display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] acl ipv6-acl-number [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, the command displays routing information for the public network.

ipv6-acl-number: Specifies a basic IPv6 ACL by its number in the range of 2000 to 2999.

verbose: Displays detailed information about all routes permitted by the basic IPv6 ACL. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays only brief information about active routes permitted by the basic IPv6 ACL.

Usage guidelines

If the specified IPv6 ACL does not exist or has no rules configured, the command displays information about all IPv6 routes.


# Display brief information about active routes permitted by IPv6 ACL 2000.

<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table acl 2000

Summary count : 6

Destination : ::1/128                                    Protocol  : Direct
NextHop     : ::1                                        Preference: 0
Interface   : InLoop0                                    Cost      : 0

Destination: 12::/96                                     Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::                                          Preference: 0
Interface  : Vlan11                                      Cost      : 0

Destination: 12::1/128                                   Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::1                                         Preference: 0
Interface  : InLoop0                                     Cost      : 0

Destination: FF::11/128                                  Protocol  : BGP4+
NextHop    : 12::2                                       Preference: 255
Interface  : Vlan11                                      Cost      : 0

Destination: FE80::/10                                   Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::                                          Preference: 0
Interface  : InLoop0                                     Cost      : 0

Destination: FF00::/8                                    Protocol  : Direct
NextHop    : ::                                          Preference: 0
Interface  : NULL0                                       Cost      : 0

For command output, see Table 6.

# Display detailed information about all routes permitted by IPv6 ACL 2000.

<Sysname> display ipv6 routing-table acl 2000 verbose

Summary count : 6

Destination: ::1/128
   Protocol: Direct
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x0                    Age: 19h29m12s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 0
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active NoAdv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 0
      NibID: 0x20000000          LastAs: 0
     AttrID: 0xffffffff        Neighbor: ::
      Flags: 0x10004        OrigNextHop: ::1
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: ::1
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: InLoopBack0
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

Destination: 12::/96
   Protocol: Direct
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x0                    Age: 00h07m57s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 0
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active Adv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 0
      NibID: 0x20000003          LastAs: 0
     AttrID: 0xffffffff        Neighbor: ::
      Flags: 0x10080        OrigNextHop: ::
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: ::
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: Vlan-interface11
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

Destination: 12::1/128
   Protocol: Direct
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x0                    Age: 00h07m55s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 0
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active NoAdv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 0
      NibID: 0x20000000          LastAs: 0
     AttrID: 0xffffffff        Neighbor: ::
      Flags: 0x10004        OrigNextHop: ::1
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: ::1
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: InLoopBack0
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

Destination: FF::11/128
   Protocol: BGP4+ instance default
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x6                    Age: 00h06m43s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 255
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active Adv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 200
      NibID: 0x26000000          LastAs: 200
     AttrID: 0x1               Neighbor: 12::2
      Flags: 0x10060        OrigNextHop: 12::2
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: 12::2
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: Vlan-interface11
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

Destination: FE80::/10
   Protocol: Direct
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x0                    Age: 19h29m12s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 0
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active NoAdv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 0
      NibID: 0x20000002          LastAs: 0
     AttrID: 0xffffffff        Neighbor: ::
      Flags: 0x10084        OrigNextHop: ::
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: ::
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: InLoopBack0
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

Destination: FF00::/8
   Protocol: Direct
 Process ID: 0
  SubProtID: 0x0                    Age: 19h29m12s
       Cost: 0               Preference: 0
      IpPre: N/A             QosLocalID: N/A
        Tag: 0                    State: Active NoAdv
  OrigTblID: 0x0                OrigVrf: default-vrf
    TableID: 0xa                 OrigAs: 0
      NibID: 0x20000001          LastAs: 0
     AttrID: 0xffffffff        Neighbor: ::
      Flags: 0x10014        OrigNextHop: ::
      Label: NULL           RealNextHop: ::
    BkLabel: NULL             BkNextHop: N/A
  Tunnel ID: Invalid          Interface: NULL0
BkTunnel ID: Invalid        BkInterface: N/A
   FtnIndex: 0x0           TrafficIndex: N/A
  Connector: N/A

For command output, see Table 7.