display ip routing-table summary

Use display ip routing-table summary to display brief routing table information, including maximum number of ECMP routes, maximum number of active routes, and number of remaining active routes.


display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] summary


Any view

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vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, the command displays brief routing table information for the public network.


# Display brief routing table information for the public network.

<Sysname> display ip routing-table summary

Max ECMP: 32
Max Active Route: 262144
Remain Active Route: 262126

# Display brief routing table information for the MPLS L3VPN instance vpn1.

<Sysname> display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 summary

Max ECMP: 32
Max Active Route: 262144
Remain Active Route: 262134
Threshold value of active routes alert: 65100

Table 5: Command output




Maximum number of ECMP routes supported by the system.

Max Active Route

Maximum number of supported routes.

Remain Active Route

Number of the remaining inactive routes.

Threshold value of active routes alert

Alarm threshold of active routes specified by using the routing-table limit command in a VPN instance:

  • Threshold value of active routes alert—This field is displayed when the alarm threshold is specified by using the routing-table limit number simply-alert command. When the number of active routes exceeds the alarm threshold, the system logs the event and sends traps but still accepts active routes.

  • Threshold value percentage of max active routes—This field is displayed when the alarm threshold is specified by using the routing-table limit number warn-threshold command, in the range of 1 to 100 in percentage. When the percentage of active routes exceeds the alarm threshold, the system logs the event and sends traps but still accepts active routes. If the number of active routes reaches the maximum number, no more routes can be added. The percentage of active routes equals the number of active routes divided by the maximum number of active routes supported in a VPN instance, and multiplied by 100.