
Use mtu to set the MTU for a VLAN interface.

Use undo mtu to restore the default.


mtu size

undo mtu


The MTU of a VLAN interface is 1500 bytes.


VLAN interface view

Predefined user roles



size: Sets the MTU in bytes, in the range of 128 to 1500.

Usage guidelines

The ip mtu or mtu command configuration on an interface takes effect on only the packets sent to the CPU for software forwarding, including the packets destined to or sourced from the interface. Configure the MTU as appropriate to avoid fragmentation.

If you configure both the mtu and ip mtu commands on a VLAN interface, the MTU set by the ip mtu command is used for fragmentation. For more information about the ip mtu command, see Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference.


# Set the MTU to 1492 bytes for VLAN-interface 1.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1
[Sysname-Vlan-interface1] mtu 1492

Related commands

display interface vlan-interface