Use description to configure the description for a VLAN or VLAN interface.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
For a VLAN, the description is VLAN vlan-id. The vlan-id argument specifies the VLAN ID in a four-digit format. If the VLAN ID has fewer than four digits, leading zeros are added. For example, the default description of VLAN 100 is VLAN 0100.
For a VLAN interface, the description is the name of the interface. For example, Vlan-interface1 Interface.
VLAN view, VLAN interface view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies a description for a VLAN or VLAN interface, a string of 1 to 255 characters. The string can include case-sensitive letters, digits, special symbols (see Table 38), spaces, and other Unicode characters and symbols.
Table 38: Special symbols
Name | Symbol | Name | Symbol |
Tilde | ~ | Left angle bracket | < |
Exclamation point | ! | Right angle bracket | > |
At sign | @ | Hyphen | - |
Pound sign | # | Underscore | _ |
Dollar sign | $ | Plus sign | + |
Percent sign | % | Equal sign | = |
Caret | ^ | Vertical bar | | |
Ampersand sign | & | Back slash | \ |
Asterisk | * | Colon | : |
Left brace | { | Semi-colon | ; |
Right brace | } | Quotation marks | " |
Left parenthesis | ( | Apostrophe | ' |
Right parenthesis | ) | Comma | , |
Left bracket | [ | Dot | . |
Right bracket | ] | Slash | / |
Usage guidelines
You can configure a description to describe the function or connection of a VLAN or VLAN interface. The descriptions are helpful when a large number of VLANs and VLAN interfaces are created on the device.
# Configure the description of VLAN 2 as sales-private.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] vlan 2 [Sysname-vlan2] description sales-private
# Configure the description of VLAN-interface 2 as linktoPC56.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] vlan 2 [Sysname-vlan2] quit [Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2 [Sysname-Vlan-interface2] description linktoPC56
Related commands
display interface vlan-interface
display vlan