display link-aggregation summary

Use display link-aggregation summary to display brief information about all aggregation groups.


display link-aggregation summary


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

Static link aggregation groups are unaware of information about the peer groups. As a result, the Partner ID field displays None for a static link aggregation group.


# Display brief information about all aggregation groups.

<Sysname> display link-aggregation summary
Aggregation Interface Type:
BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, BLAGG -- Blade-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-Aggregation
Aggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- Dynamic
Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing
Actor System ID: 0x8000, 000f-e267-6c6a

AGG        AGG   Partner ID              Selected  Unselected  Individual  Share
Interface  Mode                          Ports     Ports       Ports       Type
BAGG20     D     0x8000,00e0-fcff-ff01   2         0           0           Shar

Table 24: Command output



Aggregation Interface Type

Aggregate interface type:

  • BAGG—Layer 2.

  • RAGG—Layer 3.

Aggregation Mode

Aggregation group type:

  • S—Static.

  • D—Dynamic.

Loadsharing Type

Load sharing type:

  • Shar—Load sharing.

  • NonS—Non-load sharing.

Actor System ID

Local system ID, which contains the local system LACP priority and the local system MAC address.

AGG Interface

Type and number of the aggregate interface.

AGG Mode

Aggregation group type.

Partner ID

System ID of the peer system, which contains the peer system LACP priority and the peer system MAC address.

Selected Ports

Total number of Selected ports.

Unselected Ports

Total number of Unselected ports.

Individual Ports

Total number of Individual ports.

Share Type

Load sharing type.