display link-aggregation summary
Use display link-aggregation summary to display brief information about all aggregation groups.
display link-aggregation summary
Any view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
Static link aggregation groups are unaware of information about the peer groups. As a result, the Partner ID field displays None for a static link aggregation group.
# Display brief information about all aggregation groups.
<Sysname> display link-aggregation summary Aggregation Interface Type: BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, BLAGG -- Blade-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-Aggregation Aggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- Dynamic Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing Actor System ID: 0x8000, 000f-e267-6c6a AGG AGG Partner ID Selected Unselected Individual Share Interface Mode Ports Ports Ports Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAGG20 D 0x8000,00e0-fcff-ff01 2 0 0 Shar
Table 24: Command output
Field | Description |
Aggregation Interface Type | Aggregate interface type:
Aggregation Mode | Aggregation group type:
Loadsharing Type | Load sharing type:
Actor System ID | Local system ID, which contains the local system LACP priority and the local system MAC address. |
AGG Interface | Type and number of the aggregate interface. |
AGG Mode | Aggregation group type. |
Partner ID | System ID of the peer system, which contains the peer system LACP priority and the peer system MAC address. |
Selected Ports | Total number of Selected ports. |
Unselected Ports | Total number of Unselected ports. |
Individual Ports | Total number of Individual ports. |
Share Type | Load sharing type. |