Configuring controllers and main connections

An OpenFlow switch supports up to 64 controllers. However, the OpenFlow channel between the OpenFlow switch and each controller can have only one main connection. The main connection processes control messages to complete tasks such as deploying entries, obtaining data, and sending information. The main connection must be a reliable connection using TCP or SSL.

To specify a controller for an OpenFlow switch and configure the main connection to the controller:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter OpenFlow instance view.

openflow instance instance-id


3. Specify a controller and configure the main connection to the controller.

controller id address { ip ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ port port-number ] [ local address { ip ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ port port-number ] ] [ ssl ssl-policy-name ][ vrf vrf-name ]

By default, an OpenFlow instance does not have a main connection to a controller.