Configuring the maximum number of ECMP routes
Perform this task to implement load sharing over ECMP routes.
To configure the maximum number of ECMP routes:
Step | Command | Remarks |
1. Enter system view. | system-view | N/A |
2. Enter OSPF view. | ospf [ process-id | router-id router-id | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] * | N/A |
3. Configure the maximum number of ECMP routes. | maximum load-balancing maximum | By default, the maximum number of OSPF ECMP routes equals the maximum number of ECMP routes supported by the system. Use the max-ecmp-num command to configure the maximum number of ECMP routes supported by the system. For more information about the max-ecmp-num command, see Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference. |