lldp encapsulation snap

Use lldp encapsulation snap to set the encapsulation format for LLDP frames to SNAP.

Use undo lldp encapsulation to restore the default.


In Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or management Ethernet interface view:

lldp [ agent { nearest-customer | nearest-nontpmr } ] encapsulation snap

undo lldp [ agent { nearest-customer | nearest-nontpmr } ] encapsulation

In Layer 2 aggregate interface view:

lldp agent { nearest-customer | nearest-nontpmr } encapsulation snap

undo lldp agent { nearest-customer | nearest-nontpmr } encapsulation

In IRF physical interface view:

lldp encapsulation snap

undo lldp encapsulation


The encapsulation format for LLDP frames is Ethernet II.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Management Ethernet interface view

Layer 2 aggregate interface view

IRF physical interface view

Predefined user roles



agent: Specifies an LLDP agent type. If you do not specify an agent type in Ethernet or management Ethernet interface view, the command sets the LLDP frame encapsulation format for nearest bridge agents.

nearest-customer: Specifies nearest customer bridge agents.

nearest-nontpmr: Specifies nearest non-TPMR bridge agents.

Usage guidelines

LLDP-CDP packets use only SNAP encapsulation.


# Set the encapsulation format for LLDP frames to SNAP on .

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface 
[Sysname-] lldp encapsulation snap