Verifying the configuration

# Display DHCPv6 server address information on Switch A.

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface3] display ipv6 dhcp relay server-address
Interface: Vlan-interface3
 Server address                             Outgoing Interface

# Display packet statistics on the DHCPv6 relay agent.

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface3] display ipv6 dhcp relay statistics
Packets dropped               :  0
Packets received              :  14
    Solicit                   :  0
    Request                   :  0
    Confirm                   :  0
    Renew                     :  0
    Rebind                    :  0
    Release                   :  0
    Decline                   :  0
    Information-request       :  7
    Relay-forward             :  0
    Relay-reply               :  7
Packets sent                  :  14
    Advertise                 :  0
    Reconfigure               :  0
    Reply                     :  7
    Relay-forward             :  7
    Relay-reply               :  0