car name
Use car name to use an aggregate CAR action in a traffic behavior.
Use car name hierarchy-car to use a hierarchical CAR action in a traffic behavior.
Use undo car to remove an aggregate or hierarchical CAR action from a traffic behavior.
car name agg-car-name [ hierarchy-car hierarchy-car-name [ mode { and | or } ] ]
undo car
No aggregate or hierarchical CAR action exists in a traffic behavior.
Traffic behavior view
Predefined user roles
agg-car-name: Specifies the name of the aggregate CAR action to be used. This argument must start with a letter, and is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
hierarchy-car-name: Specifies the name of the hierarchical CAR action to be used. This argument must start with a letter, and is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
mode: Specifies a collaborating mode between the hierarchical CAR action and the aggregate CAR action, which can be AND (the default) or OR. If you do not specify a collaborating mode, the AND mode applies.
and: AND mode, in which the traffic rate of a flow is limited by both the aggregate CAR applied to it and the total traffic rate defined with hierarchical CAR. For example, use aggregate CAR actions to limit the rates of both Internet access flow 1 and flow 2 to 128 kbps, and use a hierarchical CAR action to limit their total traffic rate to 192 kbps. When flow 1 is not present, flow 2 can access the Internet at the maximum rate, 128 kbps. If both flows are present, each flow cannot exceed its own rate limit, and the total rate cannot exceed 192 kbps.
or: OR mode, in which a flow can pass through at the rate equal to the aggregate CAR applied to it or a higher rate if the total traffic rate of all flows does not exceed the hierarchical CAR. For example, use aggregate CAR actions to limit the rates of both video flow 1 and flow 2 to 128 kbps, and then use a hierarchical CAR action to limit their total traffic rate to 512 kbps. As long as the rate of flow 1 does not exceed 128 kbps, flow 2 can pass at a rate as high as 384 kbps.
# Use aggregate CAR action aggcar-1 in traffic behavior be1.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] traffic behavior be1 [Sysname-behavior-be1] car name aggcar-1
# Configure traffic behavior be1 to use aggregate CAR action aggcar-1 and hierarchical CAR action hcar, with the collaborating mode as or.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] traffic behavior be1 [Sysname-behavior-be1] car name aggcar-1 hierarchy-car hcar mode or
Related commands
display qos car name
display traffic behavior user-defined