IKE negotiation failed because no IKE proposals or IKE keychains are specified correctly
The IKE SA is in Unknown state.
<Sysname> display ike sa Connection-ID Remote Flag DOI ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Unknown IPSEC Flags: RD--READY RL--REPLACED FD-FADING
The following IKE event debugging or packet debugging message appeared:
IKE event debugging message:
Notification PAYLOAD_MALFORMED is received.
IKE packet debugging message:
Construct notification packet: PAYLOAD_MALFORMED.
If the following debugging information appeared, the matched IKE profile is not using the matched IKE proposal:
Failed to find proposal 1 in profile profile1.
If the following debugging information appeared, the matched IKE profile is not using the matched IKE keychain:
Failed to find keychain keychain1 in profile profile1.
Verify that the matched IKE proposal (IKE proposal 1 in this debugging message example) is specified for the IKE profile (IKE profile 1 in the example).
Verify that the matched IKE keychain (IKE keychain 1 in this debugging message example) is specified for the IKE profile (IKE profile 1 in the example).