Configuring a DHCPv6 address pool

You can configure the prefix and other configuration parameters (such as the DNS server address, domain name, SIP server address, and domain name of the SIP server) in a DHCPv6 address pool, for the DHCPv6 server to assign them to DHCPv6 clients.

Follow these steps to configure a DHCPv6 address pool:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Create a DHCPv6 address pool and enter DHCPv6 address pool view

ipv6 dhcp pool pool-number


Not configured by default.

Configure a static prefix

static-bind prefix prefix/prefix-len duid duid [ iaid iaid ] [ preferred-lifetime preferred-lifetime valid-lifetime valid-lifetime ]


Use either command.

No prefix is specified by default.

Apply a prefix pool to the address pool

prefix-pool prefix-pool-number [ preferred-lifetime preferred-lifetime valid-lifetime valid-lifetime ]

Configure a DNS server address

dns-server ipv6-address


Not configured by default.

Configure a domain name

domain-name domain-name


Not configured by default.

Configure the IPv6 address or domain name of a SIP server

sip-server { address ipv6-address | domain-name domain-name }


Not configured by default.

[NOTE: ]


  • Only one prefix pool can be referenced by an address pool.

  • A non-existing prefix pool can be referenced by an address pool. However, no prefix is available in the prefix pool for dynamic prefix assignment until the prefix pool is created.

  • You cannot modify the prefix pool referenced by an address pool, or the preferred lifetime or valid lifetime by using the prefix-pool command. You need to remove the configuration before you can have another prefix pool referenced by the address pool, or modify the preferred lifetime and valid lifetime.

  • You can configure up to eight DNS server addresses, one domain name, eight SIP server addresses, and eight SIP server domain names in an address pool.