display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use


display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use { all | pool pool-number | prefix prefix/prefix-len | prefix-pool prefix-pool-number } [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

1: Monitor level


all: Displays all PD information.

pool pool-number: Displays PD information about the address pool specified by the pool number.

prefix prefix/prefix-len: Displays PD information about the specified prefix. The prefix/prefix-len indicates the IPv6 prefix and prefix length. The value of the prefix length ranges from 1 to 128.

prefix-pool prefix-pool-number: Displays PD information about the prefix pool specified by the prefix pool number.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use to display PD information.

The PD information generated for static prefixes is not displayed when you display PD information about a specific prefix pool.


# Display all PD information.

<Sysname> display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use all
Total number = 3
Prefix                                      Type      Pool Lease-expiration
2:1::/24                                    Auto(O)   1    Jul 10 2008 19:45:01
1:1::/64                                    Static(F) 2    Not available
1:2::/64                                    Static(O) 3    Oct  9 2008 09:23:31

# Display PD information about the specified address pool.

<Sysname> display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use pool 1
Total number = 2
Prefix                                      Type      Pool Lease-expiration
2:1::/24                                    Auto(O)   1    Jul 10 2008 22:22:22
3:1::/64                                    Static(C) 1    Jan  1 2008 11:11:11

# Display PD information about the specified prefix pool.

<Sysname> display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use prefix-pool 1
Total number = 1
Prefix                                      Type      Pool Lease-expiration
2:1:1:2::/64                                Auto(C)   2    Jan  1 2008 14:45:56

# Display PD information about the specified prefix.

<Sysname> display ipv6 dhcp server pd-in-use prefix 2:1::3/24
Pool: 1
Prefix pool: 1
Client: FE80::C800:CFF:FE18:0
Type: Auto(O)
DUID: 00030001CA000C180000
IAID: 0x00030001
  Prefix: 2:1::/24
  Preferred lifetime 400, valid lifetime 500
  expires at Jul 10 2008 09:45:01 (288 seconds left)

Table 46: Command output



Total number

Total number of PDs.


Assigned IPv6 prefix.


PD type:

  • Static(F)—Generated for the static prefix that has not been assigned to the client, and is also called the ineffective static PD.

  • Static(O)—Temporarily generated for the static prefix to be assigned when the server receives a Solicit message from the corresponding client.

  • Static(C)—Generated for the static prefix that is officially assigned.

  • Auto(O)—Temporarily generated for the prefix selected from a prefix pool after the server receives a Solicit message from the client.

  • Auto(C)—Generated for the prefix to be assigned officially after the server receives a Request message, or the server supporting rapid assignment receives the Solicit message containing a Rapid Commit option.


Address pool to which the PD belongs.


Lease expiration time. If the lease expires after the year 2100, this field displays after 2100. For the ineffective static PD, this field displays Not available.

Prefix Pool

Prefix pool to which the PD belongs. For the static PD, this field displays null.


IPv6 address of the DHCPv6 client. For the ineffective static PD, this field displays null.


Client DUID.


Client IAID. For the ineffective static PD with no IAID configured, this field displays null.

preferred lifetime

Preferred lifetime of the prefix, in seconds.

valid lifetime

Valid lifetime of the prefix, in seconds.

expires at

Lease expiration time. If the lease expires after the year 2100, this field displays expires after 2100.