reset ipv6 statistics
reset ipv6 statistics [ slot slot-number ]
User view
Default level
1: Monitor level
slot slot-number: Clears the IPv6 and ICMPv6 packets statistics on a specific IRF member switch. The slot-number argument specifies the ID of an IRF member switch. The value range for the argument depends on the number of member switches and their member IDs in the IRF fabric, which you can display with the display irf command. On a standalone device, the slot-number argument specifies the ID of the device.
Use reset ipv6 statistics to clear the statistics of IPv6 packets and ICMPv6 packets.
You can use the display ipv6 statistics command to display the statistics of IPv6 and ICMPv6 packets.
# Clear the statistics of IPv6 packets and ICMPv6 packets.
<Sysname> reset ipv6 statistics