display ipv6 socket
display ipv6 socket [ socktype socket-type ] [ task-id socket-id ] [ slot slot-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
1: Monitor level
socktype socket-type: Displays socket information about this type. The socket type is in the range of 1 to 3. The value 1 represents a TCP socket, value 2 a UDP socket, and value 3 a raw socket.
task-id: Displays socket information about the task. The task ID is in the range of 1 to 255.
socket-id: Displays information about the socket. The socket ID is in the range of 0 to 3072.
slot slot-number: Displays the socket information on a specific IRF member switch. The slot-number argument specifies the ID of an IRF member switch. The value range for the argument depends on the number of member switches and their member IDs in the IRF fabric, which you can display with the display irf command. On a standalone device, the slot-number argument specifies the ID of the device.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use display ipv6 socket to display socket information.
With no parameter specified, this command displays information about all sockets. With only the socket type specified, the command displays information about sockets of the specified type. With the socket type, task ID and socket ID specified, the command displays information about the specified socket.
# Display information about all sockets.
<Sysname> display ipv6 socket SOCK_STREAM: Task = VTYD(14), socketid = 4, Proto = 6, LA = ::->22, FA = ::->0, sndbuf = 8192, rcvbuf = 8192, sb_cc = 0, rb_cc = 0, socket option = SO_ACCEPTCONN SO_REUSEPORT SO_SENDVPNID, socket state = SS_PRIV SS_ASYNC Task = VTYD(14), socketid = 3, Proto = 6, LA = ::->23, FA = ::->0, sndbuf = 8192, rcvbuf = 8192, sb_cc = 0, rb_cc = 0, socket option = SO_ACCEPTCONN SO_REUSEPORT SO_SENDVPNID, socket state = SS_PRIV SS_ASYNC SOCK_DGRAM: Task = AGNT(51), socketid = 2, Proto = 17, LA = ::->161, FA = ::->0, sndbuf = 9216, rcvbuf = 42080, sb_cc = 0, rb_cc = 0, socket option = SO_REUSEPORT, socket state = SS_PRIV SS_NBIO SS_ASYNC Task = TRAP(52), socketid = 2, Proto = 17, LA = ::->1024, FA = ::->0, sndbuf = 9216, rcvbuf = 42080, sb_cc = 0, rb_cc = 0, socket option =, socket state = SS_PRIV SOCK_RAW: Task = ROUT(86), socketid = 5, Proto = 89, LA = ::, FA = ::, sndbuf = 262144, rcvbuf = 262144, sb_cc = 0, rb_cc = 0, socket option = SO_REUSEADDR, socket state = SS_PRIV SS_ASYNC
Table 37: Command output
Field | Description |
SOCK_STREAM | TCP socket. |
SOCK_DGRAM | UDP socket. |
SOCK_RAW | Raw IP socket. |
Task | Task name and ID of the created socket. |
socketid | ID assigned by the kernel to the created socket. |
Proto | Protocol type. For example, 6 indicates TCP and 17 indicates UDP. |
LA | Local address and local port number. |
FA | Remote address and remote port number. |
sndbuf | Size of the send buffer. |
rcvbuf | Size of the receive buffer. |
sb_cc | Number of bytes sent by the send buffer. |
rb_cc | Number of bytes received by the receive buffer. |
socket option | Socket option set by the application:
socket state | State of the socket. |