display ipv6 interface
display ipv6 interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] [ brief ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
1: Monitor level
interface-type: Interface type.
interface-number: Interface number.
brief: Displays brief IPv6 information about an interface.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use display ipv6 interface to display IPv6 information about an interface.
If interface-type interface-number is not specified, this command displays IPv6 information about all interfaces.
If only interface-type is specified, this command displays IPv6 information about the interfaces of the specified type.
If interface-type interface-number is specified, this command displays IPv6 information about the specified interface. If the brief keyword is also specified, this command displays brief IPv6 information about the interface.
# Display IPv6 information about VLAN-interface 2.
<Sysname> display ipv6 interface vlan-interface 2 Vlan-interface2 current state :UP Line protocol current state :UP IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::1234:56FF:FE65:4322 Global unicast address(es): 2001::1, subnet is 2001::/64 10::1234:56FF:FE65:4322, subnet is 10::/64 [AUTOCFG] [valid lifetime 4641s/preferred lifetime 4637s] Joined group address(es): FF02::1:FF00:1 FF02::1:FF65:4322 FF02::2 FF02::1 MTU is 1500 bytes ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1 ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds ND retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses IPv6 Packet statistics: InReceives: 0 InTooShorts: 0 InTruncatedPkts: 0 InHopLimitExceeds: 0 InBadHeaders: 0 InBadOptions: 0 ReasmReqds: 0 ReasmOKs: 0 InFragDrops: 0 InFragTimeouts: 0 OutFragFails: 0 InUnknownProtos: 0 InDelivers: 0 OutRequests: 0 OutForwDatagrams: 0 InNoRoutes: 0 InTooBigErrors: 0 OutFragOKs: 0 OutFragCreates: 0 InMcastPkts: 0 InMcastNotMembers: 0 OutMcastPkts: 0 InAddrErrors: 0 InDiscards: 0 OutDiscards: 0
Table 31: Command output
Field | Description |
Vlan-interface2 current state | Physical state of the interface:
Line protocol current state | Link layer protocol state of the interface:
IPv6 is enabled | IPv6 packet forwarding state of the interface. (After an IPv6 address is configured for an interface, IPv6 is automatically enabled on it. IPv6 packet forwarding is enabled in the example.) |
link-local address | Link-local address configured for the interface. |
Global unicast address(es) | Global unicast addresses configured for the interface. |
valid lifetime | Valid lifetime of the global unicast address obtained through stateless autoconfiguration. |
preferred lifetime | Preferred lifetime of the global unicast address obtained through stateless autoconfiguration. |
Joined group address(es) | Addresses of multicast groups that the interface has joined. |
MTU | Maximum transmission unit of the interface. |
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts | Whether Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) is enabled. In this example, DAD is enabled.
ND reachable time | Time that a neighboring node is considered reachable after reachability has been confirmed. |
ND retransmit interval | Interval for retransmitting an NS message. |
Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses | Hosts use stateless autoconfiguration mode to acquire IPv6 addresses. |
InReceives | All IPv6 packets received by the interface, including all types of error packets. |
InTooShorts | Received IPv6 packets that are too short, with a length less than 40 bytes, for example. |
InTruncatedPkts | Received IPv6 packets with a length less than that specified in the packets. |
InHopLimitExceeds | Received IPv6 packets with a hop count exceeding the limit. |
InBadHeaders | Received IPv6 packets with bad basic headers. |
InBadOptions | Received IPv6 packets with bad extension headers. |
ReasmReqds | Received IPv6 fragments. |
ReasmOKs | Number of packets after reassembly rather than the number of fragments. |
InFragDrops | IPv6 fragments discarded due to certain error. |
InFragTimeouts | IPv6 fragments discarded because the interval for which they had stayed in the system buffer exceeded the specified period. |
OutFragFails | Packets failed in fragmentation on the outbound interface. |
InUnknownProtos | Received IPv6 packets with unknown or unsupported protocol type. |
InDelivers | Received IPv6 packets that were delivered to application layer protocols (such as ICMPv6, TCP, and UDP). |
OutRequests | Local IPv6 packets sent by IPv6 application protocols. |
OutForwDatagrams | Packets forwarded by the outbound interface. |
InNoRoutes | IPv6 packets that were discarded because no matched route can be found. |
InTooBigErrors | IPv6 packets that were discarded because they exceeded the path MTU. |
OutFragOKs | Packets that were fragmented on the outbound interface. |
OutFragCreates | Number of packet fragments after fragmentation on the outbound interface. |
InMcastPkts | IPv6 multicast packets received on the interface. |
InMcastNotMembers | Incoming IPv6 multicast packets that were discarded because the interface did not belong to the corresponding multicast groups. |
OutMcastPkts | IPv6 multicast packets sent by the interface. |
InAddrErrors | IPv6 packets that were discarded due to invalid destination addresses. |
InDiscards | Received IPv6 packets that were discarded due to resource problems rather than packet content errors. |
OutDiscards | Sent packets that were discarded due to resource problems rather than packet content errors. |
# Display brief IPv6 information about all interfaces.
<Sysname> display ipv6 interface brief *down: administratively down (s): spoofing InterfacePhysicalProtocolIPv6 Address Vlan-interface1downdownUnassigned Vlan-interface2upup2001::1 Vlan-interface100updownUnassigned
Table 32: Command output
Field | Description |
*down: administratively down | The interface is down. The interface is shut down by using the shutdown command. |
(s): spoofing | Spoofing attribute of the interface. The link protocol state of the interface is up, but the link does not exist, or the link is established on demand, instead of being permanent. |
Interface | Name of the interface. |
Physical | Physical state of the interface:
Protocol | Link layer protocol state of the interface:
IPv6 Address | IPv6 address of the interface. Only the first of configured IPv6 addresses is displayed. If no address is configured for the interface, Unassigned will be displayed. |