tcp timer fin-timeout
tcp timer fin-timeout time-value
undo tcp timer fin-timeout
System view
Default level
2: System level
time-value: Specifies the TCP finwait timer in seconds, in the range of 76 to 3600.
Use tcp timer fin-timeout to configure the length of the TCP finwait timer.
Use undo tcp timer fin-timeout to restore the default.
By default, the length of the TCP finwait timer is 675 seconds.
The actual length of the finwait timer is determined by the following formula:
Actual length of the finwait timer = (Configured length of the finwait timer – 75) + configured length of the synwait timer
Related commands: tcp timer syn-timeout and tcp window.
# Set the length of the TCP finwait timer to 800 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] tcp timer fin-timeout 800