ip irdp maxadvinterval


ip irdp maxadvinterval interval-value

undo ip irdp maxadvinterval


Interface view

Default level

2: System level


interval-value: Specifies the maximum advertising interval in seconds, in the range of 4 to 1800.


Use ip irdp maxadvinterval to set the maximum interval for advertising RAs on an interface.

Use undo ip irdp maxadvinterval to restore the default.

By default, the maximum advertising interval is 600 seconds.

The maximum advertising interval must be larger than the minimum interval. If not, the minimum interval will be automatically adjusted to 75% of the maximum interval.

The maximum advertising interval cannot be longer than the lifetime of advertised IP addresses. Otherwise, the lifetime will be automatically adjusted to a value three times the maximum interval.

Related commands: ip irdp lifetime and ip irdp minadvinterval.


# Set the maximum advertising interval on VLAN-interface 1 to 500 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1
[Sysname-Vlan-interface1] ip irdp maxadvinterval 500