reset dns host


reset dns host [ ip | ipv6 | naptr | srv ]


User view

Default level

2: System level


ip: Clears dynamic cache information about type A queries. A type A query resolves a domain name to the mapped IPv4 address.

ipv6: Clears dynamic cache information about type AAAA queries. A type AAAA query resolves a domain name to the mapped IPv6 address.

naptr: Clears dynamic cache information about NAPTR queries. A NAPTR query offers the replacement rule of a character string to convert the character string to a domain name.

srv: Clears dynamic cache information about SRV queries. An SRV query offers the domain name of a certain service site.


Use reset dns host to clear information about the dynamic DNS cache.

Without any keyword, this command clears dynamic DNS cache information about all query types.

Related commands: display dns host.


# Clear dynamic DNS cache information about all query types.

<Sysname> reset dns host