dns server
In system view:
dns server ip-address
undo dns server [ ip-address ]
In interface view:
dns server ip-address
undo dns server ip-address
System view, interface view
Default level
2: System level
ip-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the DNS server.
Use dns server to specify a DNS server.
Use undo dns server to remove DNS servers.
No DNS server is specified by default.
You can configure up to six DNS servers, including those with IPv6 addresses, in system view, and up to six DNS servers on all interfaces of a device.
A DNS server configured in system view has a higher priority than one configured in interface view. A DNS server configured earlier has a higher priority than one configured later in the same view. A DNS server manually configured has a higher priority than one dynamically obtained through DHCP.
Running the undo dns server command in system view will delete all DNS servers configured in system view and interface view. Running the undo dns server ip-address command in system view or interface view will delete the specific DNS server in system view or interface view.
Related commands: display dns server.
# Specify the DNS server in system view.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] dns server