dhcp-snooping check mac-address


dhcp-snooping check mac-address

undo dhcp-snooping check mac-address


Layer 2 Ethernet port view, Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Default level

2: System level




Use dhcp-snooping check mac-address to enable MAC address check on a DHCP snooping device.

Use undo dhcp-snooping check mac-address to disable MAC address check of DHCP snooping.

By default, this function is disabled.

With this function enabled, the DHCP snooping device compares the chaddr field of a received DHCP request with the source MAC address field in the frame. If they are the same, the DHCP snooping device decides this request valid and forwards it to the DHCP server. If not, the DHCP request is discarded.


# Enable MAC address check of DHCP snooping.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] dhcp-snooping check mac-address