dhcp-snooping binding database update interval
dhcp-snooping binding database update interval minutes
undo dhcp-snooping binding database update interval
System view
Default level
2: System level
minutes: Specifies the refresh interval in minutes, in the range of 1 to 14400.
Use dhcp-snooping binding database update interval to set the interval at which the DHCP snooping entry file is refreshed.
Use undo dhcp-snooping binding database update interval to restore the default.
By default, the DHCP snooping entry file is not refreshed periodically.
With this command configured, DHCP snooping will check bindings periodically. If a binding is added or removed during an interval, DHCP snooping will add or remove this binding to or from the file at the end of this interval. If no change occurs within the interval, DHCP snooping will not refresh the file.
This command takes effect only when the DHCP snooping entry file is specified.
Related commands: dhcp-snooping binding database filename.
# Configure the DHCP snooping entry file to be refreshed every 10 minutes.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] dhcp-snoooping binding database update interval 10