display dhcp relay statistics


display dhcp relay statistics [ server-group { group-id | all } ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

1: Monitor level


group-id: Specifies a server group by its number, in the range of 0 to 19, about display DHCP packet statistics is to be displayed.

all: Specifies all server groups about which DHCP packet statistics is to be displayed. Information for each group is displayed independently.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display dhcp relay statistics to display DHCP packet statistics related to a specific DHCP server group or all DHCP server groups.

If no parameter (server-group and all) is specified, all DHCP packet statistics on the relay agent will be displayed.

Related commands: reset dhcp relay statistics.


# Display all DHCP packet statistics on the relay agent.

<Sysname> display dhcp relay statistics
     Bad packets received:                    0
     DHCP packets received from clients:      0
         DHCPDISCOVER packets received:       0
         DHCPREQUEST packets received:        0
         DHCPINFORM packets received:         0
         DHCPRELEASE packets received:        0
         DHCPDECLINE packets received:        0
         BOOTPREQUEST packets received:       0
     DHCP packets received from servers:      0
         DHCPOFFER packets received:          0
         DHCPACK packets received:            0
         DHCPNAK packets received:            0
         BOOTPREPLY packets received:         0
     DHCP packets relayed to servers:         0
         DHCPDISCOVER packets relayed:        0
         DHCPREQUEST packets relayed:         0
         DHCPINFORM packets relayed:          0
         DHCPRELEASE packets relayed:         0
         DHCPDECLINE packets relayed:         0
         BOOTPREQUEST packets relayed:        0
     DHCP packets relayed to clients:         0
         DHCPOFFER packets relayed:           0
         DHCPACK packets relayed:             0
         DHCPNAK packets relayed:             0
         BOOTPREPLY packets relayed:          0
     DHCP packets sent to servers:            0
         DHCPDISCOVER packets sent:           0
         DHCPREQUEST packets sent:            0
         DHCPINFORM packets sent:             0
         DHCPRELEASE packets sent:            0
         DHCPDECLINE packets sent:            0
         BOOTPREQUEST packets sent:           0
     DHCP packets sent to clients:            0
         DHCPOFFER packets sent:              0
         DHCPACK packets sent:                0
         DHCPNAK packets sent:                0
         BOOTPREPLY packets sent:             0

# Display DHCP packet statistics related to every server group on the relay agent.

<Sysname> display dhcp relay statistics server-group all
DHCP relay server-group           #0
     Packet type               Packet number
 Client -> Server:
     DHCPDISCOVER                   0
     DHCPREQUEST                    0
     DHCPINFORM                     0
     DHCPRELEASE                    0
     DHCPDECLINE                    0
     BOOTPREQUEST                   0
 Server -> Client:
     DHCPOFFER                      0
     DHCPACK                        0
     DHCPNAK                        0
     BOOTPREPLY                     0