display arp-snooping


display arp-snooping [ ip ip-address | vlan vlan-id ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

2: System level


ip ip-address: Displays the ARP snooping entry information for the IP address.

vlan vlan-id: Displays ARP snooping entries of a specific VLAN. The vlan-id argument is in the range of 1 to 4094.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display arp-snooping to display ARP snooping entries. If no keywords or arguments are specified, the command displays all the ARP snooping entries.


# Display ARP snooping entries of VLAN 1.

<Sysname> display arp-snooping vlan 1
IP Address   MAC Address    VLAN ID Interface  Aging       Status      0003-0003-0003 1       Eth1/0/1    20          Valid      0004-0004-0004 1       Eth1/0/2    5           Invalid
---- Total entry(ies) on VLAN 1:2 ----