Configuring outbound route filtering

IPv6 BGP advertises routes passing the specified policy to peers. Using the protocol argument can filter only the routes redistributed from the specified protocol. If no protocol is specified, IPv6 BGP filters all routes to be advertised, including redistributed routes and routes imported with the network command.

To configure outbound route filtering:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter BGP view.

bgp as-number


3. Enter IPv6 address family view.



4. Configure the filtering of outgoing routes.

filter-policy { acl6-number | ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name } export [ protocol process-id ]

Not configured by default.

5. Apply a routing policy to routes advertised to an IPv6 peer or peer group.

peer { ipv6-group-name | ipv6-address } route-policy route-policy-name export

Not applied by default.

6. Specify an IPv6 ACL to filter routes advertised to an IPv6 peer or peer group.

peer { ipv6-group-name | ipv6-address } filter-policy acl6-number export

Not specified by default.

7. Specify an AS path list to filter routes advertised to an IPv6 peer or peer group.

peer { ipv6-group-name | ipv6-address } as-path-acl as-path-acl-number export

Not specified by default.

8. Specify an IPv6 prefix list to filter routes advertised to an IPv6 peer or peer group.

peer { ipv6-group-name | ipv6-address } ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name export

Not specified by default.