bfd session init-mode


bfd session init-mode { active | passive }

undo bfd session init-mode


System view

Default level

2: System level


active: Uses the active mode. In the active mode, BFD actively transmits BFD control packets to the remote device.

passive: Uses the passive mode. In the passive mode, BFD does not actively transmit a BFD control packet to the remote end; it transmits a BFD control packet only after receiving a BFD control packet from the remote end.


Use bfd session init-mode to configure the mode for establishing a BFD session.

Use undo bfd session init-mode to restore the default.

By default, BFD uses the active mode.


# Configure the session establishment mode as passive.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bfd session init-mode passive