rrpp ring-group
rrpp ring-group ring-group-id
undo rrpp ring-group ring-group-id
System view
Default level
2: System level
ring-group-id: RRPP ring group ID, which ranges from 1 to 8.
Use rrpp ring-group to create an RRPP ring group and enter RRPP ring group view.
Use undo rrpp ring-group to delete an RRPP ring group.
RRPP configured with ring groups cannot interoperate with RRPP that does not support ring group configuration.
When removing a ring group, do that on the edge node first and then on the assistant-edge node. If you fail to follow the order, the assistant-edge node may fail to receive Edge-Hello packets and mistakenly considers that the primary ring has failed.
After a ring group is removed, all subrings in the ring group do not belong to any ring group.
Related commands: domain ring and display rrpp ring-group.
# Create RRPP ring group 1 and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] rrpp ring-group 1 [Sysname-rrpp-ring-group1]