

protected-vlan reference-instance instance-id-list

undo protected-vlan [ reference-instance instance-id-list ]


RRPP domain view

Default level

2: System level


reference-instance instance-id-list: Specifies the MSTIs you want to reference in the form of instance-id-list = { instance-id [ to instance-id ] }&<1-10>. The instance-id argument is an MSTI ID that ranges from 0 to 128. instance-id 0 represents the common internal spanning tree (CIST). &<1-10> means that you can specify up to 10 MSTI IDs or ID ranges. You can use the display stp region-configuration command to display the instance-to-VLAN mappings. (A device operating in PVST mode automatically maps VLANs to MSTIs.)


Use protected-vlan to configure the protected VLANs for the RRPP domain.

Use undo protected-vlan to remove the protected VLAN configuration of the RRPP domain.

By default, no protected VLAN is specified for an RRPP domain.

If the reference-instance instance-id-list option is specified, the undo protected-vlan command removes configuration of VLANs mapped to the specified MSTIs. Otherwise, the command removes configuration of all protected VLANs.

You can delete or modify the protected VLANs configured for an RRPP domain before and after you configure rings for it. However, you cannot delete configuration of all protected VLANs configured for the domain.

When the VLAN-to-MSTI mappings change, the protected VLANs of an RRPP domain also changes according to the MSTIs configured for the domain.

Related commands: rrpp domain; display stp region-configuration (Layer 2LAN Switching Command Reference).


# Map VLANs 1 through 30 to MSTI 1, activate the MST region configuration, configure VLAN 100 as the control VLAN of RRPP domain 1, and configure VLANs mapped to MSTI 1 as the protected VLANs of RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp region-configuration
[Sysname-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 1 to 30
[Sysname-mst-region] active region-configuration
[Sysname-mst-region] quit
[Sysname] rrpp domain 1
[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100
[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1