encryption-algorithm aes-cbc [ key-length ]
undo encryption-algorithm
IKE proposal view
Default level
2: System level
aes-cbc: Uses the AES algorithm in CBC mode as the encryption algorithm. The AES algorithm uses 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys for encryption.
key-length: Key length for the AES algorithm, which can be 128, 192 or 256 bits and is defaulted to 128 bits.
Use the encryption-algorithm command to specify an encryption algorithm for an IKE proposal.
Use the undo encryption-algorithm command to restore the default.
The default encryption algorithm for an IKE proposal is AES-128.
Related commands: ike proposal and display ike proposal.
# Use 128-bit AES in CBC mode as the encryption algorithm for IKE proposal 10.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] ike proposal 10 [Sysname-ike-proposal-10] encryption-algorithm aes-cbc 128