public-key peer
public-key peer keyname
undo public-key peer keyname
System view
Default level
2: System level
keyname: Specifies a name for the peer public key on the local device, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 64 characters.
Use public-key peer to specify a name for the peer public key and enter public key view.
Use undo public-key peer to remove the public key.
To manually configure the peer public key on the local device, obtain the public key in hexadecimal from the peer device beforehand, and perform the following configurations on the local device:
Execute the public-key peer command, and then the public-key-code begin command to enter public key code view.
Type the peer public key.
Execute the public-key-code end command to save the public key and return to public key view.
Execute the peer-public-key end command to return to system view.
Related commands: public-key-code begin, public-key-code end, peer-public-key end, and display public-key peer.
# Specify the name for the per public key as key1 and enter public key view.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] public-key peer key1 [Sysname-pkey-public-key]