portal redirect-url


portal redirect-url url-string [ wait-time period ]

undo portal redirect-url


System view

Default level

2: System level


url-string: Specifies an auto redirection URL for authenticated portal users, a string of 1 to 127 characters. It must start with http:// or https:// and must be a fully qualified URL.

wait-time period: Specifies the time that the device must wait before redirecting a user passing portal authentication to the auto redirection URL. It ranges from 1 to 90 and defaults to 5, in seconds.


Use portal redirect-url to specify the auto redirection URL for authenticated portal users.

Use undo portal redirect-url to restore the default.

By default, a user authenticated is redirected to the URL the user typed in the address bar before portal authentication.

With Layer 3 portal authentication, this feature requires the cooperation of the IMC server and the IMC must support the page auto-redirection function.

The wait-time period option is effective to only local portal authentication.

If a Layer 2 portal user is to be assigned a VLAN after passing portal authentication, the user may need to update the IP address after getting online. In this case, the redirection wait time must be longer than the user IP address update time. Otherwise, the user may not be able to open the URL because the expected IP address update is not complete yet.


# Configure the device to redirect a portal user to http://www.testpt.cn 3 seconds after the user passes portal authentication.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] portal redirect-url http://www.testpt.cn wait-time 3