expiration-date (RADIUS-server user view)


expiration-date time

undo expiration-date


RADIUS-server user view

Default level

2: System level


time: Expiration time of the RADIUS user, in the format HH:MM:SS-MM/DD/YYYY or HH:MM:SS-YYYY/MM/DD. HH:MM:SS indicates the time, where HH ranges from 0 to 23, and MM and SS range from 0 to 59. YYYY/MM/DD indicates the date, where YYYY ranges from 2000 to 2035, MM ranges from 1 to 12, and the range of DD depends on the month. Except for the zeros in 00:00:00, leading zeros can be omitted. For example, 2:2:0-2011/2/2 equals 02:02:00-2011/02/02.


Use expiration-date to configure the expiration time of a RADIUS user.

Use undo expiration-date to remove the configuration.

By default, a RADIUS user has no expiration time and no expiration check is performed.

For temporary network access requirements, create a guest account for the user and specify an expiration time for the account. After the user passes authentication, the RADIUS server checks whether the current system time is before the expiration time. If yes, it permits the user to access the network. Otherwise, it denies the access request of the user.

If you change the system time manually or the system time is changed in any other way, the switch uses the new system time for expiration check.

Related commands: radius-server user.


# Configure user user1 to expire in 12:10:20 on May 31, 2012.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] radius-server user user1
[Sysname-rdsuser-user1] expiration-date 12:10:20-2012/05/31