display arp anti-attack source-mac


display arp anti-attack source-mac { slot slot-number | interface interface-type interface-number } [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

1: Monitor level


interface interface-type interface-number: Displays ARP attack entries detected on the interface.

slot slot-number: Displays ARP attack entries detected on a specific IRF member switch. The slot-number argument specifies the ID of an IRF member switch. The value range for the argument depends on their member IDs in the IRF fabric, which you can display with the display irf command. On a standalone device, the slot-number argument specifies the ID of the switch.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display arp anti-attack source-mac to display ARP attack entries detected by source MAC address based ARP attack detection.

If no interface is specified, the display arp anti-attack source-mac command displays ARP attack entries detected on all interfaces.


# Display ARP attack entries detected by source MAC address based ARP attack detection. Display ARP attack entries detected by source MAC address based ARP attack detection.

<Sysname> display arp anti-attack source-mac slot 1
Source-MAC          VLAN ID           Interface             Aging-time
23f3-1122-3344      4094              Eth1/0/1               10
23f3-1122-3355      4094              Eth1/0/2               30
23f3-1122-33ff      4094              Eth1/0/3               25
23f3-1122-33ad      4094              Eth1/0/4               30
23f3-1122-33ce      4094              Eth1/0/5               2