sftp ipv6


In non-FIPS mode:

sftp ipv6 server [ port-number ] [ identity-key { dsa | ecdsa | rsa } | prefer-ctos-cipher { 3des | aes128 | des } | prefer-ctos-hmac { md5 | md5-96 | sha1 | sha1-96 } | prefer-kex { dh-group-exchange | dh-group1 | dh-group14 } | prefer-stoc-cipher { 3des | aes128 | des } | prefer-stoc-hmac { md5 | md5-96 | sha1 | sha1-96 } ] *

In FIPS mode:

sftp ipv6 server [ port-number ] [ identity-key { ecdsa | rsa } | prefer-ctos-cipher { aes128 | aes256 } | prefer-ctos-hmac { sha1 | sha1-96 } | prefer-kex dh-group14 | prefer-stoc-cipher { aes128 | aes256 } | prefer-stoc-hmac { sha1 | sha1-96 } ] *


User view

Default level

3: Manage level


server: Specifies an IPv6 address or host name of the server, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 46 characters.

port-number: Specifies the port number of the server, in the range of 0 to 65535. The default is 22.

identity-key: Specifies a public key algorithm. The default is dsa in non-FIPS mode and rsa in FIPS mode. If the server uses publickey authentication, you must specify this keyword. The client generates the digital signature by using the local private key that is associated with the algorithm.

prefer-ctos-cipher: Specifies the preferred encryption algorithm from client to server. The default is aes128.

prefer-ctos-hmac: Specifies the preferred HMAC algorithm from client to server. The default is sha1-96.

prefer-kex: Specifies the preferred key exchange algorithm. The default is dh-group-exchange in non-FIPS mode and is dh-group14 in FIPS mode.

prefer-stoc-cipher: Specifies the preferred encryption algorithm from server to client. The default is aes128.

prefer-stoc-hmac: Specifies the preferred HMAC algorithm from server to client. The default is sha1-96.


Use sftp ipv6 to establish a connection to a remote IPv6 SFTP server and enter SFTP client view.


# Connect to server 2:5::8:9, using the following connection scheme:

<Sysname> sftp ipv6 2:5::8:9 prefer-kex dh-group1 prefer-stoc-cipher aes128 prefer-ctos-hmac md5 prefer-stoc-hmac sha1-96
Input Username: