pki request-certificate domain
pki request-certificate domain domain-name [ password ] [ pkcs10 [ filename filename ] ]
System view
Default level
2: System level
domain-name: Name of the PKI domain name, a string of 1 to 15 characters.
password: Password for certificate revocation, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
pkcs10: Displays the BASE64-encoded PKCS#10 certificate request information, which can be used to request a certification by an out-of-band means, like phone, disk, or email.
filename filename: Specifies the name of the local file for saving the PKCS#10 certificate request, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.
Use pki request-certificate domain to request a local certificate from a CA through SCEP. If SCEP fails, you can use the pkcs10 keyword to print the request information in BASE64 format, or use the pkcs10 filename filename option to save the request information to a local file and send the file to the CA by an out-of-band means.
This operation will not be saved in the configuration file.
Related commands: pki domain.
# Display the PKCS#10 certificate request information.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] pki request-certificate domain 1 pkcs10 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBTDCBtgIBADANMQswCQYDVQQDEwJqajCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw gYkCgYEAw5Drj8ofs9THA4ezkDcQPBy8pvH1kumampPsJmx8sGG52NFtbrDTnTT5 ALx3LJijB3d/ndKpcHT/DfbJVDCn5gdw32tBZyCkEwMHZN3ol2z7Nvdu5TED6iN8 4m+hfp1QWoV6lty3o9pxAXuQl8peUDcfN6WV3LBXYyl1WCtkLkECAwEAAaAAMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAA8E7BaIdmT6NVCZgv/I/1tqZH3TS4e4H9Qo5NiCKiEw R8owVmA0XVtGMbyqBNcDTG0f5NbHrXZQT5+MbFJOnm5K/mn1ro5TJKMTKV46PlCZ JUjsugaY02GBY0BVcylpC9iIXLuXNIqjh1MBIqVsa1lQOHS7YMvnop6hXAQlkM4c -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----