reset hwtacacs statistics


reset hwtacacs statistics { accounting | all | authentication | authorization } [ slot slot-number ]


User view

Default level

1: Monitor level


accounting: Clears HWTACACS accounting statistics.

all: Clears all HWTACACS statistics.

authentication: Clears HWTACACS authentication statistics.

authorization: Clears HWTACACS authorization statistics.

slot slot-number: Clears HWTACACS statistics for an IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents the ID of the IRF member device. The value range for the argument depends on the number of member devices and their member IDs in the IRF fabric.


Use reset hwtacacs statistics to clear HWTACACS statistics.

Related commands: display hwtacacs.


# Clear all HWTACACS statistics.

<Sysname> reset hwtacacs statistics all