display pim routing-table

Use display pim routing-table to display PIM routing entries.


display pim [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] routing-table [ group-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] | source-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] | flags flag-value | fsm | incoming-interface interface-type interface-number | mode mode-type | outgoing-interface { exclude | include | match } interface-type interface-number | proxy ] *


Any view

Predefined user roles






vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays PIM routing entries on the public network.

group-address: Specifies a multicast group by its IP address in the range of to If you do not specify a multicast group, this command displays PIM routing entries for all multicast groups.

source-address: Specifies a multicast source by its IP address.

mask-length: Specifies an address mask length in the range of 0 to 32. The default value is 32.

mask: Specifies an address mask. The default value is

flags flag-value: Specifies a flag. If you do not specify a flag, this command displays PIM routing entries that contain all flags. The following lists the values for the flag-value argument and their meanings:

fsm: Displays detailed information about the finite state machine.

incoming-interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an incoming interface. If you do not specify an incoming interface, this command displays PIM routing entries that contain all incoming interfaces.

mode mode-type: Specifies a PIM mode. If you do not specify a PIM mode, this command displays PIM routing entries in all PIM modes. The available PIM modes include:

outgoing-interface { exclude | include | match } interface-type interface-number: Specifies an outgoing interface. If you do not specify an outgoing interface, this command displays PIM routing entries that contain all outgoing interfaces. Whether an outgoing interface is contained in the PIM routing table depends on the following conditions:

proxy: Displays information about the RPF vector used by PIM routing entries.


# Display PIM routing entries on the public network.

<Sysname> display pim routing-table
 Total 0 (*, G) entries; 1 (S, G) entries

     Protocol: pim-sm, Flag: SPT LOC ACT
     UpTime: 02:54:43
     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
         Upstream neighbor: NULL
         RPF prime neighbor: NULL
     Downstream interface information:
     Total number of downstream interfaces: 1
         1: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: pim-sm, UpTime: 02:54:43, Expires: 00:02:47

Table 51: Command output



Total 0 (*, G) entries; 1 (S, G) entries

Total number of (*, G) entries, and the total number of (S, G) entries.


(S, G) entry.


PIM mode.


Flag of the (S, G) entry or (*, G) entry:

  • 2MSDP—The entry is to be advertised by the MSDP module in the next (S, A) message.

  • 2MVPN—The entry has been advertised to MVPN.

  • ACT—The entry has been used for routing data.

  • DEL—The entry is to be removed.

  • EXPRUNE—Some outgoing interfaces are pruned by other multicast routing protocols.

  • EXT—The entry contains outgoing interfaces provided by other multicast routing protocols.

  • LOC—The entry is on a router directly connected to the same subnet with the multicast source.

  • MSDP—The entry is learned from an MSDP (S, A) message.

  • NIIF—The entry contains unknown incoming interfaces.

  • NONBR—The entry has a PIM neighbor lookup failure.

  • RC—The entry has received C-Multicast route information.

  • RPT—The entry is on an RPT branch where (S, G) prunes have been sent to the RP.

  • SPT—The entry is on the SPT.

  • SQ—The entry triggers the default-MDT to data-MDT switchover.

  • SRC-ACT—The entry has received Source Active A-D route information.

  • SWT—The entry is in the process of RPT-to-SPT switchover.

  • VXLAN—The entry is a VXLAN overlay entry.

  • WC—The entry contains a wildcard.


Length of time for which the (S, G) entry or (*, G) entry has been up.

Upstream interface

Upstream (incoming) interface of the (S, G) entry or (*, G) entry.

Upstream neighbor

Upstream neighbor of the (S, G) entry or (*, G) entry.

RPF prime neighbor

RPF neighbor of the (S, G) or (*, G) entry:

  • For a (*, G) entry, if the RPF neighbor is the RP, the field displays NULL.

  • For an (S, G) entry, if the RPF neighbor is a router that directly connects to the multicast source, this field displays NULL.

Downstream interface information

Information about the downstream interfaces:

  • Total number of downstream interfaces.

  • Names of the downstream interfaces.

  • Protocol type on the downstream interfaces.

  • Uptime of the downstream interfaces.

  • Expiration time of the downstream interfaces.

# Display information about the RPF vector used by the public network PIM routing entries on a PE device.

<Sysname> display pim routing-table proxy
    Proxy: 10:1/
    Assigner:         Origin: BGP MDT
    Uptime: 02:08:18          Expires: Off

# Display information about the RPF vector used by the public network PIM routing entries on a P device.

<Sysname> display pim routing-table proxy
    Proxy: 10:1/
    Assigner:         Origin: PIM
    Uptime: 02:19:33          Expires: 00:02:12

# Display information about the RPF vector used by the public network PIM routing entries on an ASBR.

<Sysname> display pim routing-table proxy
    Proxy: 10:1/local
    Assigner:         Origin: PIM
    Uptime: 02:22:04          Expires: 00:02:35
    Proxy: 10:1/local
    Assigner:         Origin: PIM
    Uptime: 02:21:10          Expires: 00:02:35

Table 52: Command output




RPF vector, including the RD and the IP address of the RPF vector. If the RPF vector resides on the device where the command is executed, this field displays (local) after the IP address.


IP address of the device from which the RPF vector is obtained:

  • On PE devices, the RPF vector is obtained from a BGP MDT routing entry. This field displays

  • On non-PE devices, the RPF vector is obtained from the PIM join message sent by a downstream PIM neighbor. This field displays the IP address of the downstream PIM neighbor.


Protocol that origins the RPF vector:

  • On PE devices, the RPF vector is obtained from a BGP MDT routing entry. This field displays BGP MDT.

  • On non-PE devices, the RPF vector is obtained from the PIM join message sent by a downstream PIM neighbor. This field displays PIM.


Length of time since the RPF vector is originated.


Remaining timeout time for the RPF vector, where Off means that the timer is disabled.