display pim interface

Use display pim interface to display PIM information for interfaces.


display pim [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] interface [ interface-type interface-number ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays PIM information for interfaces on the public network.

interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays PIM information for all interfaces.

verbose: Displays detailed PIM information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief PIM information.


# Display brief PIM information for all interfaces on the public network.

<Sysname> display pim interface
 Interface         NbrCnt  HelloInt  DR-Pri     DR-Address
 Vlan1             1       30        1
 Vlan2             0       30        1    (local)
 Vlan3             1       30        1

Table 48: Command output




Number of PIM neighbors.


Interval for sending hello messages.


Priority for DR election.


IP address of the DR. If the DR resides on the device where the command is executed, this field displays (local) after the address.

# Display detailed PIM information for VLAN-interface 1 on the public network.

<Sysname> display pim interface vlan-interface 1 verbose
 Interface: Vlan-interface1,
     PIM version: 2
     PIM mode: Sparse
     PIM DR:
     PIM DR Priority (configured): 1
     PIM neighbors count: 1
     PIM hello interval: 30 s
     PIM LAN delay (negotiated): 500 ms
     PIM LAN delay (configured): 500 ms
     PIM override interval (negotiated): 2500 ms
     PIM override interval (configured): 2500 ms
     PIM neighbor tracking (negotiated): disabled
     PIM neighbor tracking (configured): disabled
     PIM generation ID: 0xF5712241
     PIM require generation ID: disabled
     PIM hello hold interval: 105 s
     PIM assert hold interval: 180 s
     PIM triggered hello delay: 5 s
     PIM J/P interval: 60 s
     PIM J/P hold interval: 210 s
     PIM BSR domain border: disabled
     PIM BFD: disabled
     PIM passive: disabled
     Number of routers on network not using DR priority: 0
     Number of routers on network not using LAN delay: 0
     Number of routers on network not using neighbor tracking: 2

Table 49: Command output



PIM version

Version of the PIM protocol.

PIM mode

PIM mode: dense or sparse.


IP address of the DR.

PIM DR Priority (configured)

Configured priority for DR election.

PIM neighbors count

Total number of PIM neighbors.

PIM hello interval

Interval between two hello messages.

PIM LAN delay (negotiated)

Negotiated PIM message propagation delay.

PIM LAN delay (configured)

Configured PIM message propagation delay.

PIM override interval (negotiated)

Negotiated interval for overriding prune messages.

PIM override interval (configured)

Configured interval for overriding prune messages.

PIM neighbor tracking (negotiated)

Negotiated neighbor tracking status: enabled or disabled.

PIM neighbor tracking (configured)

Configured neighbor tracking status: enabled or disabled.

PIM require generation ID

Whether the feature of discarding hello messages without Generation_ID is enabled.

PIM hello hold interval

PIM neighbor lifetime.

PIM assert hold interval

Assert holdtime timer.

PIM triggered hello delay

Maximum delay for sending hello messages.

PIM J/P interval

Interval between two join/prune messages.

PIM J/P hold interval

Joined/pruned state holdtime timer.

PIM BSR domain border

Whether a PIM domain border is configured.


Whether PIM is enabled to work with BFD.

PIM passive

Whether PIM passive mode is enabled on the interface.

Number of routers on network not using DR priority

Number of routers that do not use the DR priority field on the subnet where the interface resides.

Number of routers on network not using LAN delay

Number of routers that do not use the LAN delay field on the subnet where the interface resides.

Number of routers on network not using neighbor tracking

Number of routers that are not enabled with neighbor tracking on the subnet where the interface resides.