igmp fast-leave

Use igmp fast-leave to enable fast-leave processing on an interface.

Use undo igmp fast-leave to disable fast-leave processing on an interface.


igmp fast-leave [ group-policy ipv4-acl-number ]

undo igmp fast-leave


Fast-leave processing is disabled. The IGMP querier sends IGMP group-specific or group-and-source-specific queries after receiving a leave message.


Interface view

Predefined user roles




ipv4-acl-number: Specifies an IPv4 basic ACL by its number in the range of 2000 to 2999. If you specify an ACL, the fast-leave processing feature takes effect only on the multicast groups that the ACL permits. The feature takes effect on all multicast groups when one of the following conditions exists:

Usage guidelines

The fast-leave processing feature enables an IGMP querier to suppress IGMP group-specific or group-and-source-specific queries upon receiving IGMP leave messages permitted by the ACL.

When you configure a rule in the IPv4 basic ACL, follow these restrictions and guidelines:


# Enable fast-leave processing on VLAN-interface 100.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 100
[Sysname-Vlan-interface100] igmp fast-leave