display igmp proxy routing-table

Use display igmp proxy routing-table to display multicast routing entries maintained by the IGMP proxy.


display igmp [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] proxy routing-table [ source-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] | group-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] ] * [ verbose ]


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vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays multicast routing entries maintained by the IGMP proxy on the public network.

source-address: Specifies a multicast source by its IP address. If you do not specify a multicast source, this command displays multicast routing entries for all multicast sources maintained by the IGMP proxy.

group-address: Specifies a multicast group address by its IP address in the range of to If you do not specify a multicast group, this command displays multicast routing entries for all multicast groups maintained by the IGMP proxy.

mask-length: Specifies a mask length of the multicast group address or multicast source address. For a multicast source address, the value range for this argument is 0 to 32. For a multicast group address, the value range for this argument is 4 to 32. The default value is 32 in both cases.

mask: Specifies a mask of the multicast group address or multicast source address. The default value is

verbose: Displays detailed information about multicast routing entries maintained by the IGMP proxy.


# Display multicast routing entries maintained by the IGMP proxy on the public network.

<Sysname> display igmp proxy routing-table
 Total 1 (*, G) entries, 2 (S, G) entries.

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (1 in total):
         1: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: IGMP

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (1 in total):
         1: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: STATIC

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (2 in total):
         1: LoopBack1
             Protocol: STATIC
         2: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: PROXY

# Display detailed information about multicast routing entries maintained by the IGMP proxy on the public network.

<Sysname> display igmp proxy routing-table verbose
 Total 1 (*, G) entries, 2 (S, G) entries.

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (1 in total):
         1: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: IGMP
             Querier state: Querier
             Join/Prune state:Join

     Non-downstream interfaces: None

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (1 in total):
         1: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: STATIC
             Querier state: Querier
             Join/Prune state:Join

     Non-downstream interfaces (1 in total):
         1: Vlan-interface3
             Protocol: IGMP
             Querier state: Non-querier
             Join/Prune state:Join

     Upstream interface: Vlan-interface1
     Downstream interfaces (2 in total):
         1: LoopBack1
             Protocol: STATIC
             Querier state: Querier
             Join/Prune state: Join
         2: Vlan-interface2
             Protocol: PROXY
             Querier state: Querier
             Join/Prune state: Join

     Non-downstream interfaces: None

Table 41: Command output



Total 1 (*, G) entries, 2 (S, G) entries

Total number of (*, G) entries, and the total number of (S, G) entries.


(S, G) entry.

Upstream interface

Incoming interface of the (S, G) entry.

Downstream interfaces (1 in total)

Outgoing interfaces of the (S, G) entry, and the total number of outgoing interfaces.

Non-downstream interfaces (1 in total)

Non-outgoing interfaces of the (S, G) entry, and the total number of non-outgoing interfaces.

1: Vlan-interface2

Index of an interface, and the interface.


Protocol type:

  • IGMP—Dynamic IGMP.

  • PROXY—IGMP proxy.

  • STATIC—Static IGMP.

Querier state

Querier state:

  • Querier.

  • Non-querier.

Join/Prune state

Joined or pruned state of the interface:

  • NI—Default state.

  • Join—Joined state.

  • Prune—Pruned state.