mtrace v2

Use mtrace v2 to trace a multicast path through mtrace2.


mtrace v2 [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { source-address | group-address } * [ destination address | port number | wait-time time | max-hop count ] * [ verbose ]


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vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command traces a multicast path on the public network.

source-address: Specifies a multicast source by its IP address.

group-address: Specifies a multicast group by its IP address, in the range of to

destination address: Specifies the destination address of mtrace. The default destination address is

port number: Specifies a UDP port number for mtrace2, in the range of 1024 to 49151. The default value is 10240.

wait-time time: Specifies the length of time that the client waits for a Reply message. The value range for the time argument is 1 to 65535 seconds and the default value is 10 seconds. If the client does not receive a Reply message within the waiting time, the client initiates a hop-by-hop mtrace.

max-hop count: Specifies the maximum number of the hops to be traced. The value range for the count argument is 1 to 255 and the default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is reached on a device, the device directly sends an mtrace2 Reply message to the client and the mtrace is terminated.

verbose: Displays detailed information about mtrace. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about mtrace.

Usage guidelines

To perform a non-group-specific mtrace, specify a multicast source and a destination. The mtrace starts from the destination and ends with the device directly connected to the multicast source.

To perform a non-source-specific mtrace, specify a multicast group and a destination. The mtrace starts from the destination and ends at the RP associated with the multicast group.

To perform a source-and-group-specific mtrace, specify both a multicast source and a multicast group. If you also specify a destination, the mtrace starts from the destination and ends at the device directly connected to the multicast source. If you do not specify a destination, the mtrace starts from the upstream device of the client and ends at the device directly connected to the multicast source.

An mtrace process stops if the maximum number of the hops to be traced is reached.

If the client does not receive a Reply message within the waiting time, the client initiates a hop-by-hop mtrace to determine which device on the path encountered an error. It sends a Query message with the hops field set to 1 and waits for a Reply message. If the client receives a Reply message within the waiting time, it sends a Query message with the hops field value increased by 1 and waits for a Reply message. This process continues until the client does not receive a Reply message within the waiting time any more.


# Use mtrace2 to trace the path along which multicast data of group travels from source to destination and display brief mtrace information.

<Sysname> mtrace v2 destination
 Mtrace from to via group, 255 hops at most, press 
CTRL_C to break.
 Querying full reverse path...

  Hop  Incoming address  Outgoing address  Protocol       Time    Fwd code
    0        PIM-SM(OSPF)   50 s    NO_ERROR
   -1            PIM-SM(OSPF)   40 s    NO_ERROR
   -2            PIM-SM(OSPF)   60 s    NO_ERROR
   -3            PIM-SM(OSPF)   55 s    NO_ERROR
   -4           PIM-SM(OSPF)   30 s    NO_ERROR

Table 34: Command output




Number of the hop. 0 represents the last hop, -1 represents the hop before the last hop, and so on.

Incoming address

Incoming interface of the multicast data.

Outgoing address

Outgoing interface of the multicast data.


Multicast routing protocol used between this device and the previous-hop device:

  • PIM-SM.

  • PIM-DM.

Unicast routing protocol used between this device and the previous-hop device:

  • LOCAL—Direct route.

  • STATIC ROUTE—Static route.

  • RIP.

  • ISIS.

  • OSPF.

  • BGP.


Length of time used to transmit an mtrace message between this device and the previous-hop device, in seconds.

Fwd code

Forwarding code or error code:

  • NO_ERROR—No error.

  • WRONG_IF—The interface on which the mtrace message arrives is not in the outgoing interface list of the multicast data.

  • PRUNE_SENT—This device has sent a prune message to the upstream device.

  • PRUNE_RCVD—This device has received a prune message from the downstream device.

  • SCOPED—A multicast border is configured on the incoming interface or outgoing interface of the multicast data.

  • NO_ROUTE—This device does not have any route for the source or the RP.

  • WRONG_LAST_HOP—This device is not the proper last-hop device.

  • REACHED_RP—This device is the RP for the (*, G) multicast data.

  • RPF_IF—The mtrace message arrived on the expected RPF interface for the multicast data.

  • NO_MULTICAST—The mtrace message arrived on an interface that is not enabled with IP multicast.

  • NO_SPACE—No space is available for inserting a response data block in the packet.

# Use mtrace2 to trace the path along which multicast data of group travels from source to destination and display detailed mtrace information.

<Sysname> mtrace v2 destination verbose
 Mtrace from to via group, 255 hops at most, use query ID 12345, client port 50001, press CTRL_C to break.
 Querying full reverse path...

    0: Incoming interface address:
       Outgoing interface address:
       Upstream router address:
       Input multicast packets: 111
       Output multicast packets: 111
       Forwarded packets for the (S, G) pair: 22
       Multicast protocol in use: PIM-SM
       Unicast protocol in use: OSPF
       Multicast TTL threshold: 1
       Forwarding code: NO_ERROR
       Time used (s): 50

   -1: Incoming interface address:
       Outgoing interface address:
       Upstream router address:
       Input multicast packets: 111
       Output multicast packets: 111
       Forwarded packets for the (S, G) pair: 22
       Multicast protocol in use: PIM-SM
       Unicast protocol in use: OSPF
       Multicast TTL threshold: 1
       Forwarding code: NO_ERROR
       Time used (s): 50

Table 35: Command output




Number of the hop. 0 represents the last hop, -1 represents the hop before the last hop, and so on.

Incoming interface address

Incoming interface of the multicast data.

Outgoing interface address

Outgoing interface of the multicast data.

Upstream router address

IP address of the upstream device.

Input multicast packets

Statistics of packets received on the incoming interface of the multicast data.

Output multicast packets

Statistics of packets forwarded through the outgoing interface of the multicast data.

Forwarded packets for the (S, G) pair

Statistics of forwarded (S, G) packets.

Multicast protocol in use

Multicast routing protocol running on the incoming interface of the multicast data.

Unicast protocol in use

Unicast routing protocol running on the incoming interface of the multicast data.

Multicast TTL threshold

Maximum number of hops to be traced on the interface.

Forwarding code

Forwarding code or error code:

  • NO_ERROR—No error.

  • WRONG_IF—The interface on which the mtrace message arrives is not in the outgoing interface list of the multicast data.

  • PRUNE_SENT—This device has sent a prune message to the upstream device.

  • PRUNE_RCVD—This device has received a prune message from the downstream device.

  • SCOPED—A multicast border is configured on the incoming interface or outgoing interface of the multicast data.

  • NO_ROUTE—This device does not have any route for the source or the RP.

  • WRONG_LAST_HOP—This device is not the proper last-hop device.

  • REACHED_RP—This device is the RP for the (*, G) multicast data.

  • RPF_IF—The mtrace message arrived on the expected RPF interface for the multicast data.

  • NO_MULTICAST—The mtrace message arrived on an interface that is not enabled with IP multicast.

  • NO_SPACE—No space is available for inserting a response data block in the packet.

Time used (s)

Length of time for transmitting the mtrace message from the previous-hop device to this device.

Related commands

mtrace-service port