igmp-snooping querier

Use igmp-snooping querier to enable the IGMP snooping querier.

Use undo igmp-snooping querier to disable the IGMP snooping querier.


igmp-snooping querier

undo igmp-snooping querier


The IGMP snooping querier is disabled.


VLAN view

VSI view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

You must enable IGMP snooping for a VLAN or VSI before you execute this command.

For a sub-VLAN of a multicast VLAN, this command takes effect only after you remove the sub-VLAN from the multicast VLAN.


# In VLAN 2, enable IGMP snooping, and enable the IGMP snooping querier.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] igmp-snooping
[Sysname-igmp-snooping] quit
[Sysname] vlan 2
[Sysname-vlan2] igmp-snooping enable
[Sysname-vlan2] igmp-snooping querier

# In VSI aaa, enable IGMP snooping, and enable the IGMP snooping querier.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] igmp-snooping
[Sysname-igmp-snooping] quit
[Sysname] vsi aaa
[Sysname-vsi-aaa] igmp-snooping enable
[Sysname-vsi-aaa] igmp-snooping querier

Related commands

enable (IGMP-snooping view)

igmp-snooping enable

subvlan (multicast VLAN view)