if-match route-type
Use if-match route-type to configure a route-type match criterion.
Use undo if-match route-type to remove the configuration.
if-match route-type { external-type1 | external-type1or2 | external-type2 | internal | is-is-level-1 | is-is-level-2 | nssa-external-type1 | nssa-external-type1or2 | nssa-external-type2 } *
undo if-match route-type [ external-type1 | external-type1or2 | external-type2 | internal | is-is-level-1 | is-is-level-2 | nssa-external-type1 | nssa-external-type1or2 | nssa-external-type2 ] *
No route-type match criterion is configured.
Routing policy node view
Predefined user roles
external-type1: Matches OSPF Type 1 external routes.
external-type1or2: Matches OSPF Type 1 and Type 2 external routes.
external-type2: Matches OSPF Type 2 external routes.
internal: Matches OSPF internal routes (including OSPF intra-area and inter-area routes).
is-is-level-1: Matches IS-IS Level-1 routes.
is-is-level-2: Matches IS-IS Level-2 routes.
nssa-external-type1: Matches OSPF NSSA Type 1 external routes.
nssa-external-type1or2: Matches OSPF NSSA Type 1 and 2 external routes.
nssa-external-type2: Matches OSPF NSSA Type 2 external routes.
# Configure node 10 in permit mode for routing policy policy1 to match OSPF internal routes.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] route-policy policy1 permit node 10 [Sysname-route-policy-policy1-10] if-match route-type internal