display ospfv3 statistics

Use display ospfv3 statistics to display OSPFv3 statistics.


display ospfv3 [ process-id ] statistics [ error ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






process-id: Specifies an OSPFv3 process by its ID in the range of 1 to 65535. Without this argument, the command displays OSPFv3 statistics for all processes.

error: Displays error statistics. Without this keyword, the command displays OSPFv3 packet, LSA, and route statistics.


# Display OSPFv3 statistics.

<Sysname> display ospfv3 statistics

               OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID
                   Packet Statistics
 Type                         Recv                Send
 Hello                        1746                1284
 DB Description               505                 941
 Ls Req                       252                 136
 Ls Upd                       851                 1553
 Ls Ack                       416                 450

             Local Originated LSAs Statistics
 Type                                             Count
 Router-LSA                                       192
 Network-LSA                                      0
 Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA                            0
 Inter-Area-Router-LSA                            0
 AS-external-LSA                                  0
 Link-LSA                                         10
 Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA                            112
 Grace-LSA                                        0
 Unknown-LSA                                      0
 Total                                            314

                   Routes Statistics
 Type                                             Count
 Intra Area                                       0
 Inter Area                                       0
 ASE/NSSA                                         0

Table 124: Command output



Packet Statistics

Statistics of inbound and outbound packets.


Hello packet.

DB Description

DB description packet.

Ls Req

Link state request packet.

Ls Upd

Link state update packet.

Ls Ack

Link state acknowledgement packet.

Local Originated LSAs Statistics

Statistics of generated LSAs.


Number of Type-1 LSAs.


Number of Type-2 LSAs.


Number of Type-3 LSAs.


Number of Type-4 LSAs.


Number of Type-5 LSAs.


Number of Type-8 LSAs.


Number of Type-9 LSAs.


Number of Type-11 LSAs.


Number of Unknown-LSAs.


Total number.

Routes Statistics

Number of routes.

Intra Area

Intra-area routes.

Inter Area

Inter-area routes.


External routes.

# Display OSPFv3 error statistics.

<sysname> display ospfv3 statistics error

               OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

 0         : Transmit error               0         : Neighbor state low
 0         : Packet too small             0         : Bad version
 0         : Bad checksum                 0         : Unknown neighbor
 0         : Bad area ID                  0         : Bad packet
 0         : Packet dest error            0         : Inactive area packet
 0         : Router ID confusion          0         : Bad virtual link
 0         : HELLO: Hello-time mismatch   0         : HELLO: Dead-time mismatch
 0         : HELLO: Ebit option mismatch  0         : DD: Ebit option mismatch
 0         : DD: Unknown LSA type         0         : DD: MTU option mismatch
 0         : REQ: Empty request           0         : REQ: Bad request
 0         : UPD: LSA checksum bad        0         : UPD: Unknown LSA type
 0         : UPD: Less recent LSA         0         : UPD: LSA length bad
 0         : UPD: LSA AdvRtr id bad       0         : ACK: Bad ack packet
 0         : ACK: Invalid ack             0         : Interface down
 0         : Multicast incapable

Table 125: Command output



Transmit error

Packets with error when being transmitted.

Neighbor state low

Packets received in low neighbor state.

Packet too small

Packets too small in length.

Bad version

Packets with wrong version.

Bad checksum

Packets with wrong checksum.

Unknown neighbor

Packets received from unknown neighbors.

Bad area ID

Packets with invalid area ID.

Bad packet

Packets illegal.

Packet dest error

Packets with wrong destination addresses.

Inactive area packet

Packets received in inactive areas.

Router ID confusion

Packets with duplicate router ID.

Bad virtual link

Packets on wrong virtual links.

HELLO: Hello-time mismatch

Hello packets with mismatched hello timer.

HELLO: Dead-time mismatch

Hello packets with mismatched dead timer.

HELLO: Ebit option mismatch

Hello packets with mismatched E-bit in the option field.

DD: Ebit option mismatch

DD packets with mismatched E-bit in the option field.

DD: Unknown LSA type

DD packets with unknown LSA type.

DD: MTU option mismatch

DD packets with mismatched MTU.

REQ: Empty request

LSR packets with no request information.

REQ: Bad request

Bad LSR packets.

UPD: LSA checksum bad

LSU packets with wrong LSA checksum.

UPD: Unknown LSA type

LSU packets with unknown LSA type.

UPD: Less recent LSA

LSU packets without latest LSA.

UPD: LSA length bad

LSU packets with wrong LSA length.

UPD: LSA AdvRtr id bad

LSU packets with wrong LSA advertising router.

ACK: Bad ack packet

Bad LSAck packets for LSU packets.

ACK: Invalid ack

Invalid LSAck packets.

Interface down

Shutdown times of the interface.

Multicast incapable

Failures to join the multicast group.