peer preferred-value

Use peer preferred-value to specify a preferred value for routes received from a peer or peer group.

Use undo peer preferred-value to restore the default.


In BGP IPv4 unicast address family view/BGP-VPN IPv4 unicast address family view/BGP VPNv4 address family view/BGP VPNv6 address family view:

peer { group-name | ip-address } preferred-value value

undo peer { group-name | ip-address } preferred-value

In BGP IPv6 unicast address family view:

peer { group-name | ipv6-address } preferred-value value

undo peer { group-name | ipv6-address } preferred-value

In BGP-VPN IPv6 unicast address family view:

peer { group-name | ipv6-address } preferred-value value

undo peer { group-name | ipv6-address } preferred-value


The preferred value is 0.


BGP IPv4 unicast address family view, BGP-VPN IPv4 unicast address family view, BGP-VPNv4 address family view, BGP IPv6 unicast address family view, BGP-VPN IPv6 unicast address family view, BGP-VPNv6 address family view

Predefined user roles




group-name: Specifies a peer group by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters. The peer group must have been created.

ip-address: Specifies a peer by its IP address. The peer must have been created.

ipv6-address: Specifies a peer by its IPv6 address. The peer must have been created.

value: Specifies the preferred value in the range of 0 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

If multiple routes that have the same destination are learned from different peers, you can specify different preferred values for the routes as needed to control BGP path selection. The one with the greatest preferred value is selected as the optimal route to the destination.

The preferred value is used for route selection on the local router and is not advertised to the peer. It has only local significance.

You can also use the apply preferred-value command in a routing policy to configure the preferred value for BGP routes. If both the peer preferred-value and apply preferred-value commands are configured, the apply preferred-value command applies. If the preferred value is not set in the routing policy or no routing policy is configured, the peer preferred-value command applies.


# In BGP IPv4 unicast address family view, specify the preferred value as 50 for routes from peer

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] address-family ipv4 unicast
[Sysname-bgp-ipv4] peer preferred-value 50

# In BGP VPNv4 address family view, specify the preferred value as 50 for routes from peer

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] address-family vpnv4
[Sysname-bgp-vpnv4] peer preferred-value 50

# In BGP-VPN IPv6 unicast address family view, specify the preferred value as 50 for routes from peer 1::1.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[Sysname-bgp-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[Sysname-bgp-ipv6-vpn1] peer 1::1 preferred-value 50

Related commands

apply preferred-value
