display isis peer
Use display isis peer to display IS-IS neighbor information.
In standalone mode:
display isis peer [ statistics | verbose ] [ process-id ] [ standby slot slot-number ]
In IRF mode:
display isis peer [ statistics | verbose ] [ process-id ] [ standby chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
statistics: Displays IS-IS neighbor statistics.
verbose: Displays detailed IS-IS neighbor information. Without this keyword, the command displays brief IS-IS neighbor information.
process-id: Displays IS-IS neighbor information for an IS-IS process specified by its ID in the range of 1 to 65535. Without this argument, the command displays neighbor information for all IS-IS processes.
standby slot slot-number: Displays backup IS-IS neighbor information for a card. Without this option, the command displays IS-IS neighbor information. (In standalone mode.)
standby chassis chassis-number slot slot-number: Displays backup IS-IS neighbor information for a card on an IRF member device. The chassis-number argument specifies the ID of the IRF member device. The slot-number argument specifies the slot number of the card. Without this option, the command displays IS-IS neighbor information. (In IRF mode.)
# Display brief IS-IS neighbor information.
<Sysname> display isis peer Peer information for IS-IS(1) ----------------------------- System Id: 0000.0000.0001 Interface: Vlan2 Circuit Id: --- State: Up HoldTime: 27s Type: L1(L1L2) PRI: 64 System Id: 0000.0000.0001 Interface: Vlan2 Circuit Id: --- State: Up HoldTime: 27s Type: L2(L1L2) PRI: 64
# Display detailed IS-IS neighbor information.
<Sysname> display isis peer verbose Peer information for ISIS(1) ---------------------------- System ID: 0000.1111.2222 Interface: Vlan2 Circuit Id: 0000.1111.2222.01 State: Up Holdtime: 6s Type: L1(L1L2) PRI: 64 Area address(es): 49 Peer IP address(es): Peer local circuit ID: 1 Peer circuit SNPA address: 000c-293b-c4be Uptime: 00:05:07 Adj protocol: IPv4 Graceful Restart capable Restarting signal: No Suppress adjacency advertisement: No System ID: 0000.1111.2222 Interface: Vlan2 Circuit Id: 0000.1111.2222.01 State: Up Holdtime: 7s Type: L2(L1L2) PRI: 64 Area address(es): 49 Peer IP address(es): Peer local circuit ID: 1 Peer circuit SNPA address: 000c-293b-c4be Uptime: 00:05:07 Adj protocol: IPv4 Graceful Restart capable Restarting signal: No Suppress adjacency advertisement: No
Table 57: Command output
Field | Description |
System Id | System ID of the neighbor. |
Interface | Interface connecting to the neighbor. |
Circuit Id | Circuit ID. |
State | Circuit state. |
HoldTime | Within the holdtime, if no hellos are received from the neighbor, the neighbor is considered down. If a hello is received, the holdtime is reset to the initial value. |
Type | Circuit type:
PRI | DIS priority of the neighbor. |
Area Address(es) | Area address of the neighbor. |
Peer IP Address(es) | IP address of the neighbor. |
Uptime | Time elapsed since the neighbor relationship was formed. |
Adj Protocol | Adjacency protocol. |
Peer local circuit ID | Circuit ID of the neighbor. |
Peer circuit SNPA address | SNPA address of the neighbor. |
Graceful Restart capable | The neighbor has the GR helper capability. |
Restarting signal | RR flag. |
Suppress adjacency advertisement | SA flag. |
# Display IS-IS neighbor statistics.
<Sysname> display isis peer statistics Peer Statistics information for ISIS(1) --------------------------------------- Type IPv4 Up/Init IPv6 Up/Init LAN Level-1 1/0 0/0 LAN Level-2 1/0 0/0 P2P 0/0 0/0
Table 58: Command output
Field | Description |
Type | Neighbor type:
IPv4 Up | Number of IPv4 neighbors in up state. |
IPv4 Init | Number of IPv4 neighbors in init state. |
IPv6 Up | Number of IPv6 neighbors in up state. |
IPv6 Init | Number of IPv6 neighbors in init state. |