Displaying the card information for your switch

Use the display device command to display card information for your switch, including the slot number, card type, card status, and software version.

# Display brief information about all cards on your switch.

<Sysname> display device

Table 13: Command output



Slot No.

  • In standalone mode:Slot No.—Slot number of a card.

  • In IRF mode:Slot No.—Slot number of a card on the specified member switch in the format of member ID/slot number.

Brd Type

Hardware type of a card, which can be:

  • Specific card model—Type of a card (such as LST1MRPNE1), which is the same as the silkscreen.

  • NONE—No card is in the slot.

  • UNKNOWN—The card is not supported by the software version and thus cannot start properly.

Brd Status

Card status, which can be:

  • Absent—No card is in the slot.

  • Master—The card is an active main processing unit (MPU).

  • Standby—The card is a standby MPU.

  • Normal—The card is operating properly.

  • Fault—The card in the slot has not started up or has failed.

  • Off—The card is not powered on.

  • Illegal—The card is not supported by the software version and thus cannot start properly.

Software Version

Software version of the current card, which can be:

  • Specific software version.

  • NONE—No card is in the slot.

  • Mismatched—The software version does not support the card and thus cannot be uploaded.

# In standalone mode, display information about the card in slot 5.

<Sysname> display device slot 5
Status   : Normal
Type     : LST1XP48LFD1
Software : 12500-CMW710-R7328
PCB      : Ver.A
Board Cpu:
  Number of Cpld: 2
  Cpld 0:
    SoftWare  : 001C
  Cpld 1:
    SoftWare  : 001C
  Type      : LSR1CPA
  PCB       : Ver.C
  Number of Cpld: 1
  Cpld 0:
    SoftWare  : 001
  BootRom   : 2.12
  Base Boot  : 2.10
Mbus card
  Type      : LSR1MBCB
  Software  : 115
  PCB       : Ver.B
Chip 0:
  Learning Mode : IVL
Chip 1:
  Learning Mode : IVL
Chip 2:
  Learning Mode : IVL
Chip 3:
  Learning Mode : IVL

Table 14: Command output




Card status:

  • Standby—The card is the standby MPU.

  • Master—The card is the active MPU.

  • Absent—The slot is not installed with a card.

  • Fault—The card is rebooting, or is faulty and cannot start up.

  • Normal—The card is an LPU and is operating correctly.

  • Off—The card is not powered on.

  • Illegal—The software does not support the card, and the card cannot operate correctly.

  • Offline—The card is isolated from the system.

Board Cpu

Information about the CPU on the mother board.

Number of Cpld

Number of programmable logic components.


Information about the CPU daughter card.


Software version.


Version of the extended BootWare segment.

Base Boot

Version of the basic BootWare segment.

Learning Mode

MAC address learning mode. If a MAC address table is maintained for each VLAN, the value of this field is IVL (Independent VLAN Learning).